
At Furness Primary School we achieve high standards and all our pupils make excellent progress so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Assessment is a continuous process, integral to teaching and learning, allowing children to achieve their true potential. Our assessment stratergies take different forms including observations and discussions as well as the formal assessment of written work and tests. The school undertakes formal statutory assessment as follows:
- EYFS profile at the end of Reception
- Year 1 Phonic screening
- Key Stage 1 tests (SATs) in Year 2
- Key Stage 2 tests (SATs) in Year 6
- progress for ALL children
- pupils talk about their learning with confidence
- pupils understand and act on the next steps needed to improve their learning
- staff provide quality academic guidance to the pupils
- teachers’ planning is informed by assessment to meet the needs of all pupils
- the Governing Body is informed of the school’s standards and pupil achievement
- children’s positive achievements are celebrated
- barriers to learning are quickly identified and specific intervention given for optimum impact
- data is analysed to study trends and build on strengths
- the legal requirements for record keeping, assessing and reporting are met
In addition to tests the school tracks teacher assessment for every pupil across all age groups. Data is analysed to identify improvement points for the school and informs teaching and learning. Pupil progress information is shared with parents through termly reports.