The Curriculum at Furness

The intent of our curriculum is:
To inspire all children to become successful, resilient, life-long learners through an inclusive , broadly balanced and challenging curriculum as an important means of producing critical thinking, self-respecting, self-disciplined, literate, numerate and well-balanced youngsters who will be able to have access to a range of opportunities in the years to follow.
We implement the statutory national curriculum for primary schools:
If you require any more information about our curriculum for each year group, please click here or contact:
Mr Scott
Assitant Head Teacher
Curriculum Foundation Subjects
020 8965 5977
Our school curriculum is designed to ensure that we cover all aspects of the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage in an inclusive and creative manner. As a school, it is a key priority that the children receive a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the whole of their school journey.
Subjects are recognised and taught individually to ensure that pupils have a clear understanding of the different domains of learning and know what they learn in each particular subject. Where possible, interrelated topics from different subject areas are taught alongside one another to forge meaningful cross-curricular links and allow for greater consolidation and extension of learning. For example, in the Spring Term, pupils in Year 2 study ‘Habitats’ in science whilst exploring different climatic regions in geography, producing animal inspired 3D artwork in art lessons, and responding to movements from Camille Saint-Saëns’ ‘The Carnival of the Animals’ in music lessons. This enables the children to create links between different subjects, and apply knowledge and skills in a range of contexts.

Embed: We know that high-quality teaching involves providing adequate opportunities for pupils to practise consolidating what they have been taught; throughout every topic, teachers provide pupils with spaced retrieval of key knowledge via recall, recognition and relearning to ensure it is embedded in pupils’ long term memory.
Explore: At the beginning of a topic or lesson, pupils are exposed to a question or task linked to the learning objective that requires them to draw upon prior knowledge and learning, applying it independently. This allows teachers to quickly assess pupils’ levels of understanding and possible misconceptions to address during teaching, whilst motivating pupils to ‘have a go’ and learn from their mistakes.
Explain: The teacher, as the expert, imparts key knowledge and information, demonstrates a skill or models a process, deconstructing and breaking down concepts to develop and deepen pupils’ understanding. Teachers may draw upon additional resources to support the acquisition of knowledge or reinforce key objectives (for example videos, images, texts or concrete resources) and meet the individual needs of pupils.
Examples: Independent pupil learning activities are provided to embed the core learning objective of the lesson. Pupils have the opportunity to practise the skill or concept, consolidate the learning and demonstrate their understanding. Pupils continue to work at the Example stage until they have demonstrated a secure understanding of the concept.
Expansion and Enrichment: Additional activities are provided to pupils who are ready to progress and deepen their learning. The purpose of Expand and Enrich activities is to present the concept in a different way and encourage pupils to apply their understanding in a different context, making links to prior learning and/or drawing upon other areas of knowledge. When pupils engage with this rich content and increasing levels of challenge, concepts become more deeply embedded and pupil thinking is exposed. Crucially, expansion and enrichment tasks require a higher level of reasoning, problem solving and application of knowledge that allows learners to progress further.
Evaluation: Pupils are given opportunities to reflect upon their learning through self or peer assessment of their work, asking questions or setting themselves targets. This encourages pupils to take ownership of their learning, fostering greater levels of independence and self-efficacy.
Expertise: Individuals who demonstrate mastery of a particular skill or concept are given opportunities to share their expertise with others by supporting their peers with learning activities, demonstrating a skill for others, giving feedback or peer marking of work. This approach greatly develops pupils’ self-esteem and confidence whilst also further consolidating their own understanding and helping others to make more rapid progress through peer support.
- Cross-curricular teaching and teaching with real world experiences, such as using trips and visitors is integral to our school curriculum. We believe it gives the children experiences that many within our context would otherwise not have. Extending learning with such opportunities makes it more relevant to the children, creates greater positivity about learning and encourages the children to develop a love for learning whilst also developing their cultural capital.
- Cooperative learning is used within our curriculum through the implementation of learning ‘buddies’. This improves social skills and cooperation between pupils; ensures that all pupils are actively engaged in their learning; supports all academic abilities and means that children become less reliant on the class teacher for support.
- Within the year, whole school theme weeks such as Maths Week, British Science Week, Kid Inventors’ Day, Anti-Bullying Week and many more are built into our curriculum. This raises the profile of different subjects and gives the children opportunities to deepen their knowledge, develop skills at a higher level and try something new.
- We have developed a more exploratory and problem solving approach to our curriculum in order to develop resilience. Children experience success and failure in a safe and supportive environment. Growth mindset is actively promoted to nurture resilience in our pupils and cultivate the understanding that intelligence can be acquired through effort
- Within our curriculum, we prepare the children for life in the real world by providing them with experiences to empathise, perform and communicate in the community. This supports the children in becoming well-rounded individuals, whilst building on their own self- esteem, confidence and mental health.
- Our curriculum is enhanced by a great range of extra- curricular activities, which are used to further children’s interests and learning; there is limited cost in order for them to be inclusive to all
- Our curriculum is further enhanced with the use of some specialist teaching to provide further opportunities for children in Spanish , Music and PE
- Within our curriculum is our unique provision of swimming lessons for all pupils from years 3 to 6
- Our intervention structure (based on a fluid approach) means pupils are targeted promptly and their gaps urgently addressed