Dear Parents and / or Guardians,
We welcome back all of our pupils, parents and / or carers to a brand new academic year. We have commenced it with a super effort in ensuring that all of our children and staff are working and thriving in strictly adhere to protective bubbles. I look forward to working and meeting all of you in due course. In the meantime, if you have any queries related to SEN, Mental Health, and / or Safeguarding Matter, do not hesitate to email me at the following address:
Take good care.
Ms. Janet Codner
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator
Inclusion Coordinator
To book a session contact the Brent EPS on 0208 937 3200 or email : Appointments need to be made by 1pm on the day before the session.
Useful Website Links - SEND
Home learning
If your child is finding the home learning that has been set difficult, please let us know. Your child's class teacher will be checking in with you and you can use the email addresses that have been set up for the current school closure. You can access all year groups' learning on our School Website and you may find the work from a different year group more suitable for your child. You can also contact me at
Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
Information on SEND & the Local Offer can be found in the Curriculum section of our website, under Inclusion.
Below you will find information to support you and your child during Covid-19.
Support for children with SEND during Covid-19
Click here for a useful set of ideas to support children at home during the Covid-19 crisis.
Click below to listen to a really interesting podcast from Steph Reed, an Austism Specialist teacher and consultant that she recorded with a group of parents.
Hungry Little Minds
The government website Hungry Little Minds has some good suggestions for simple activities that families can do at home. Although it is aimed at younger children, some of the activities are suitable for children who are older or who have additional needs.
Widgit Online
Some children find having a visual plan for the day a useful tool. Widgit Online is offering a month for free using the code WIDGIT30.
You can use this online software to support children with many aspects of home education
Kindly ensure your child is completing set tasks.