“To develop a complete mind: study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else.” – Leonardo Da Vinci
“Learn from yesterday. Live for Today. Hope for tomorrow. The important thing is never to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” – Thomas Berger
Science - Intent, Implementation, Impact
At Furness we offer a high-quality science education that provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Our curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future
Our Science curriculum is aligned with the Working Scientifically statutory objectives in the National Curriculum:
Key stage 1
- asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
- observing closely, using simple equipment
- performing simple tests
- identifying and classifying
- use observations to answer questions
- gather and record data
Lower Key Stage 2
- asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiries to answer them
- setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
- making systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
- gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions
- recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables
- reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions
- using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions
Upper Key Stage 2
- planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
- taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision
- recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, and bar and line graphs
- using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests
- using simple models to describe scientific ideas
- reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of results, in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations
- identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments.
A Shared Intent
To ensure these objectives are at the forefront of teachers’ planning, teaching and learning, all classes display a copy of the relevant WS Objectives for their key stage (WS objective posters produced by CIEC (Centre for Industry Education Collaboration)). This includes EYFS who have adapted statements appropriate for their age; this goes above and beyond what is outlined in the NNC. We do this to equip children with prior knowledge and skills needed for KS1 and beyond.
Furthermore, in addition to the statutory Science topics each year group covers, most year groups also have an additional unit which focuses primarily on developing the Working Scientifically skills in a range of details (see the Curriculum Overview)
Working Scientifically Posters:
Science at Furness Primary is tailored to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, but also to go above and beyond these expectations. We recognise the importance of high quality scientific learning from the moment pupils begin their journey through education, so the thread of scientific learning begins in the Nursery and is interwoven within the curriculum through discrete teaching and other subject areas from EYFS – end of KS2. Science lessons allow for progress and challenge for all learners, including the more able and SEND.
In the Early Years, the children work towards meeting objectives outlined by the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Most of the objectives linked to scientific knowledge and understanding fall under the ELG domain of ‘Understanding the World’, though scientific learning opportunities will often feed into pupils’ development in other learning domains too. The Science element of our youngest learners’ education is taught thorough cross-curricular half-termly topics. These are usually linked to a core text. A range of independent and focused activities, which are recorded in their digital Learning Journals, form the basis of recording observations and spoken language. A great emphasis is placed on children’s communication skills.
For example, in Reception in Spring Term Nursery children learn about the life cycle of the butterfly through observing and discussing the growth and metamorphosis of real caterpillars, which lays the foundation for the wider knowledge acquired in KS1 topics on ‘Animals and their Habitats’ and ‘Animals including Humans’, as well as the Year 5 topic ‘Life Cycles’. During the topic on ‘Paddington Bear’ children discuss what the bear needs to pack into his suitcase before arriving in England, considering the English climate and the seasonal changes. This prepares children for the work they will do on weather and climate in both KS1 and KS2.
Children in the EYFS have access to a range of quality resources to develop their scientific skills, for example child-friendly microscopes to observe objects and materials closely, as well as raised beds in which to grow a variety of plants. Other classroom resources such as water and sand pits can be adapted for scientific purposes, and teachers also regularly set up ‘investigation areas’ for children to handle objects linked to the current topic. For example, in the Autumn Term the area contains a variety of fallen leaves, seeds and other natural objects with magnifying glasses, discussion questions, key vocabulary and paper for observational drawing or writing. Opportunities for reading and writing are embedded into all areas of the Early Years curriculum – this includes science.
Science is taught discretely, following the statutory guidelines, outlined in the National Curriculum. To support teachers with the implementation of a high-quality science curriculum, the school has invested in resources to support planning, teaching and learning. These include lesson plans, slides and resources from PlanBee; videos, interactive resources, quizzes and reading materials from Discovery Education (Espresso); pictorial resources, such as visual word banks and flashcards, to support pupils new to English those with SEND from Widgit; and other useful resources such as reading comprehension materials, assessments and display resources from Twinkl.
One afternoon per week is allocated for teaching Science to ensure that topics are covered in sufficient depth:
-KS1 1-1.5 hours per week.
-KS2 1.5 -2 hours per week.
Where possible, Science topics are aligned with year groups’ core texts and other subject areas to establish meaningful cross-curricular links. For example, Year 6 study the human circulatory system whilst reading the core text Pig Heart Boy. All Science lessons contain opportunities for reading and writing, as these are key school development priorities. Pupils also participate in class discussions about scientific concepts and knowledge to familiarise them with vocabulary and develop the clarity of their explanations and questioning.
Science is recorded weekly. Written work shows progression of the subject, including scientific theory and the development of independent working scientifically skills. Emphasis is on using the correct scientific vocabulary and the inclusion of the 8Es to ensure a clear progression of learning within the lesson and unit of work. Written work reflects provision for SEND pupils, through adapted or scaffolding resources, and higher attainers, through ‘Enrich’ tasks that require application of knowledge higher cognitive demand.
Practical Experiments and Activities
Providing rich, high quality practical learning opportunities is key to the provision of an engaging and exciting Science curriculum. During each topic, tests, demonstrations and experiments form an integral part of the learning experience. Through planning and carrying out experiments and tests, pupils develop many invaluable ‘soft skills’ (such as teamwork, leadership and communication) as well their Working Scientifically skills. Applying and discussing their understanding in practical contexts helps to embed the learning for pupils because it becomes memorable, engaging and exciting. Examples of practical work include growing plants, constructing electrical circuits, testing properties of materials and measuring sound levels using data loggers. In Year 6, pupils have the opportunity to dissect a lamb’s heart to examine the different chambers.
Science Curriculum Overview
Science topics are organised, where possible, to establish meaningful links with other curriculum areas. For example, pupils in Year 3 study ‘Rocks’ during their Geography topic on Volcanoes as the formation of many rocks is inextricably linked to volcanic and tectonic processes (i.e. igneous and metamorphic rocks). In Year 5, pupils study ‘Earth and Space’ during their topic on the ancient Maya, as they were keen astronomers who tracked the movements of the stars and planets to devise functioning calendars and help make important decisions.
The National Curriculum outlines four statutory Science topics for each Year in KS1; five in KS2. The Science curriculum at Furness goes above and beyond this. Years 2, 3 & 5 all have additional units which explore the work of scientists and focus on developing pupils working scientifically skills through a range of practical experiments. These units also help to consolidate learning from previous topics, but also expose pupils’ to some new concepts to help prepare them for later stages in their education. In Years 1 & 4, there are additional topics which further deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding, for example pupils in Year 4 study ‘Fossils and Dinosaurs’ which makes links to prior learning on Rocks and the classification of living things.
To ensure progression, each area of Science is revisited every one or two years so pupils can forge stronger links and build upon their previous learning experiences. For example, in Year 3 the children learn about forces and magnets, which is then revisited in Year 5where they learn to explore forces, including gravity and air-resistance, in greater depth.
Monitoring and Assessment
Planning, pupils’ books and the learning environment are monitored half-termly. Written feedback is given to the teachers with deadlines for improvement and next steps. The subject leader also meets with year groups to discuss feedback, offer support and monitor progress.
Pupil progress is assessed continuously throughout a topic using the following strategies:
- Exploring prior knowledge: At the start of the topic, children should record what they already know (Mindmap, KWL grid etc.) This should preferably be done in books as evidence of the learning journey, but could also form part of your class Science display.
- Explore questions: These are incorporated into weekly lessons and can take a variety of forms. They may or may not be recorded in books, depending on the nature of the task or question. Examples include, odd one out pictures (great for S&L), own definitions of concepts / vocabulary, 'big questions' (e.g. Why are plants important?) or questions to prompt investigations (e.g. How could we test what plants need to grow?)
- Embed – Low stakes quizzes and other retrieval activities throughout the topic: In order to use key knowledge and concepts are retained in pupils’ long term memory, teachers plan for spaced retrieval of content throughout each topic. Short quizzes, true or false statements, matching tasks and labelling activities, for example, can be used at any point in the lesson, as a plenary or a starter to revisit prior learning, and are a fantastic way to make the learning STICK! Discovery Education – Espresso has a range of quizzes for every topic. Teachers may also use and adapt quizzes from other providers, such as Education Quizzes, Twinkl or Word Wall, or they may design their own.
- Evaluate – Pupils’ own questions: At the end of some lessons, pupils have the opportunity to record a question of their own in their science book in green pen. Asking appropriate scientific questions is a key WS skill – questioning forms the basis of establishing knowledge – so at Furness, a great emphasis is placed on providing pupils opportunities to ask and record their own questions. Teachers do not have to answer every question pupils write – if there are common themes that emerge, they can address these through subsequent teaching. Oftentimes, just brief acknowledgement of the question is enough; they are a useful tool for catching misconceptions or evidence that learning has not yet ‘stuck’, or identifying pupils who display good scientific thinking and clear progress.
- Teachers’ marking of books: Work is marked regularly by teachers, who identify gaps or misconceptions to address, clarity of explanations and celebrate achievement. They also look out for correct spelling, particularly of scientific vocabulary, and correct punctuation, as we aim to uphold the same standards of writing and presentation is Science books as those in English.
Summative assessments are used at the end of topics to support teachers’ judgements on the levels of attainment in their classes. We use assessment materials from Twinkl and those from PlanBee to assist with teacher judgements. These are a tool in the assessment process; teachers do not solely rely on test scores to assess pupil outcomes, but there should be some correlation with their own assessment of the child, taking into account the range of factors that can affect a child’s performance on a test paper.
Teacher assessments are uploaded termly to Target Tracker for analysis by the subject leader, and to help inform planning.
8Es in Science
The 8Es form an integral part of our teaching pedagogy in Science. By journeying through the different stages of learning enscapsulated in each ‘E’, teachers are able to address the needs of a class of mixed ability pupils in Science, ensuring all pupils can access the curriculum. As with other subjects at the school, teachers create a serious of progressive tasks according to the needs and abilities of pupils based on the 8Es: Embed, Explore, Explain, Examples, Expand, Enrich, Evaluate & Expertise. This allows for a flexible pace of learning for all pupils. It also enables accurate ongoing formative assessment throughout each lesson, whilst ensuring key content is revisited over time so that knowledge is embedded in long term memory.
At Furness Science lessons allow for progress for all the children, including those with SEND. Some experiments are carried out in pairs or small groups where the children can support each other. Science is a visual and practical subject and through the use of word banks, visual resources and practical activities, children of all abilities and needs can make progress. Teaching Assistants are always available to provide additional support when needed because, as Science is a core subject, no interventions or other activities that may cause a TA to be withdrawn from supporting in a lesson are scheduled during this time.
Furness offers an extra-curricular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) club as an enrichment opportunity for small groups of pupils. STEM club is run as a weekly after school activity club for up to twelve pupils at a time. Each half term of activities is based around a theme, for example ‘Plant Reproduction’, ‘Mars Safari’ or ‘Making Things Move’. During each topic, pupils engage in fun, practical, collaborative learning activities that reinforce learning objectives from the National Curriculum whilst also going into greater depth in the area of focus, exposing pupils to a richer body of knowledge, different resources and application activities that they would not normally be exposed to in weekly curriculum Science lessons and greatly developing pupils’ Working Scientifically skills.
Cross-Curricular Reading
Pupils are given plenty of opportunities to do their own reading during each topic. High quality printed resources, teaching slides, a variety of websites and in class or library reference books provide an excellent choice of material to support learners’ acquisition of scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as develop their retrieval skills and ability to understand information texts. Our school library is equipped with a range of non-fiction Science books so the children can reinforce or deepen their subject knowledge.
Cross-Curricular Writing
At Furness we have placed a strong emphasis on developing pupils’ writing across the curriculum. Each Science lesson should have a written outcome, though the nature of these may vary. For example, pupils may record bullet point notes of key information, write a short summary of a key concept, record the method and conclusions of an experiment, or record some of their own questions about a topic. Within a topic, at least one opportunity to write at length should be provided for all the children, particularly in KS2 towards the end of topics when pupils have acquired sufficient knowledge to write at length. For example, in Year 4 children write an explanation text about teeth and eating. Some educational visits also provide excellent opportunities to develop ideas for cross-curricular writing in Science.
Cross-Curricular Maths
In many topics there are opportunities to use mathematics during Science lessons. Children frequently use measuring equipment such as rulers, stop watches, thermometers, capacity apparatus, data loggers etc. Data can be recorded and analysed using a variety of graphs and charts that children can either interpret or create to demonstrate patterns. For example, in Year 5, during the topic Animals Including Humans, pupils create a bar chart to show a connection between the size of different animals and their gestation periods.
Elements of the Science curriculum are also taught through the PSHE Jigsaw topic ‘Changing Me’, which looks at how the human body changes and develops at each stage of their lives. In upper KS2, pupils learn about the changes that occur in their minds and bodies during puberty. Following consultation with the parents, it was agreed that Sex Education would not be taught at Furness, out of respect to the cultures and beliefs of the community. However, we still cover the statutory elements of human reproduction outlined in the National Curriculum (from the fertilisation of the egg cell, through the stages of development of the foetus up to birth).
Cultural Capital
Empowering children to realise that they can shape the future and change the world around them is a key aim of our school curriculum. In Science, pupils learn about how scientific discoveries have shaped the modern world, and through the breadth of learning opportunities in the Science curriculum pupils’ cultural capital is enriched. Curriculum-linked sessions with IntoUniversity in KS2 help to inspire pupils to pursue higher education, educational visits to London’s wealth of museums and attractions provide children with a rich variety of cultural experiences, and whole school events such as British Science Week and Kid Inventor’s Day help to expose children to the range of Scientific careers available.
Educational Visits
Educational visits form an integral part of the learning experience. They develop children’s natural curiosity about the world. At Furness, some year groups have planned all day educational visits, whereas in some topics a visit to the local park to find might suffice, e.g. Year 2 children attend a workshop at Kew Gardens in Summer Term in line with their Science topic Young Gardeners.
Links with Other Schools
Furness has formed a partnership with Harris Lowe (formerly Capital City Academy). Previously, Year 5 children attended two Science sessions a year where they take part in practical activities and experiments in the school lab that enrich their learning and give them an insight into how Science is taught at secondary level.
Whole-School Science Events
At Furness we celebrate British Science Week anually by organising a fun-filled week that includes a variety of practical class and whole school activities: creative tasks, experiments in the classroom or outside, theatre productions, live chats with real scientists, poster competitions, home learning projects and more.

During Science Week the pupils are encouraged to build up on their scientific knowledge and skills, develop their natural curiosity and passion for the subject. Their work and success is celebrated through a whole school Science assembly at the end of the week.
Pupils also participate in Kid Inventors Day, which gives them the opportunity to create solutions to problems they have identified in the world around them. Pupils demonstrate their ideas through creating models, diagrams and informative posters.

By the end of KS2 the majority of children at Furness Primary School can:
- Use a wide range of scientific terms and use the vocabulary in the Science lessons
- Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications in Science, today and for the future
- Explain how they understand concepts through the specific disciplines in biology, chemistry and physics
- Show a vivid enthusiasm and curiosity about the world around them to develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of enquiries
- Plan and organise a range of experiments and investigations
- Select and use relevant resources and equipment when carrying out experiments and investigations
- Reflect on their progression at the end of the lesson and at the end of each topic

British Science Week 2023 - Poster finalists
Congratulations to our 5 school finalists whose posters were selected to enter the national British Science Week 2023 poster competition! 2023’s theme for the poster competition was ‘Connections’ – this open-ended theme allowed children to choose an area of focus linked to their own interests. Well done to all pupils who entered; the Science Team had a hard time choosing the finalists from the many fantastic entries we received!
British Science Week 2022 - Poster finalists
Congratulations to our 5 school finalists whose posters were selected to enter the national British Science Week 2022 poster competition! The theme for the poster competition was ‘Growth’ – pupils could interpret this theme as they saw fit. The Science Team received many excellent entries from pupils of all ages and it was very difficult to choose the finalists – well done to all pupils who took part!