Lunchtime Officers

The office of Furness Primary School Lunchtime Officer was instituted to provide a unique opportunity for our older upstanding pupils in upper Key stage 2 to have a positive impact on school life- particularly lunchtimes. These pupils have exemplified the school’s PRIDE values and therefore have proven that they are capable of providing support to both staff and pupils.
As a community, our pupils are encouraged to foster individual and collective responsibility.
UNCRC - Article 31 (play and cultural and artistic activities) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in cultural and artistic activities.
Our children are given opportunities to ensure that lunch times are a pleasant and enjoyable experience for their peers.
UNCRC Article 29 (education and children’s development) Education should help develop every child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to the full. It should develop children’s respect for their own rights and those of others, for their parents, for their own culture and the cultures of others, and for the natural environment.
Our Lunchtime Officers are selected following their declaration of interest in the post and the completion of an application in which they demonstrate their suitability for the role.
UNCRC - Article 15 - You have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations (as long as this does not stop people from enjoying their rights).
The Lunchtime Officers have many months leading up to their final year at Furness Primary to exemplify good behaviours and attitudes. These attitudes are conducive for both living, learning and playing.
Candidates are carefully selected by a small panel of judges who examine the applications and measure them against testimonials from previous teachers. Subsequently, they undergo training followed by an induction period. This process thereby honours the core British value- Rule of Law.
Lunchtime Officers work on a shift basis and occupy various stations in and outside the dining hall. They can be relied on to support the entire lunch process from pupils entering the dining hall to exiting to the playground to continue enjoying the lunch hour.
Lunchtime Officers’ responsibilities...
They exhibit their leadership skills in the following capacity:
- Be a 'voice' for pupils in the school in order to have a say on decisions related to the dining area and school lunches and the playground
- Support a pleasant dining experience
- Encourage all pupils (including those who bring a packed lunch) to make healthy choices from their options
- Dispense rewards for good conduct and sanctions for divergent attitudes
- Initiate play with pupils who are new to the country or the school
- Engage pupils in playground games
- Younger pupils aspiring to emulate the examples of their peers