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Sports Premium

We couldn't be more excited about the government stance on mantaining the same level of sports funding for schools this academic year. This will enable us to keep up the good work so that even more students can access more opportunities, and improve existing ones. Children will be even more inspired, develop their sporting skills further and will be even more motivated to take part in sport therefore creating sustainable and healthier habits for life. 

Sports Premium 2023-2024




All Students have received training on water confidence as well as how to swim effectively on three different strokes: Frontcrawl, Backstroke and Breastroke (body positioning, stroke development, full stroke and breathing)

All Year 6 students have also been been trained on water safety skills including:

  1. Treading water for 1 minute 
  2. Swimming with clothes on
  3. Performing rescues
  4. Safe jumps into the water.

Swimming Data 2023

Sports Premium Evaluation 2022-2023

Most of the Sports Premium fund received last academic year was channeled  towards supporting children in swimming. This is a massive investment in children's lives, future and life long skills. We believe that this investment has the most impact in children's lives which can lead to healthy habits being adopted as result later on in life. The focus was to improve the PE curriculum as a whole based on sustainability, cultural capital, skills and personal developement as well as students's mental, physical health and general well being through the PEPASS triangle (Physical Education, Physical Activity and School Sport).

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